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From Land, to C.

I'm Laura; a 35 year old mother of three children - Emmett (9), Stella (4) and Rowan (3), and wife to Jared (46).  


In January of 2022, my husband and I decided to sell our beef cattle ranch in Castor, Alberta, and buy a new ranch in Judique, Nova Scotia.  We arrived in July of 2022, and immediately began building our dream.  Within 6 months of moving 5,000km across the country, our lives were changed in the most unimaginable of ways.  


This is the story of a journey so unprecedented, unorthodox and unpredictable that it must be shared. A journey of a cross country move, a routine surgery and a diagnosis that would change the course of our life as we knew it.  A journey into the mind of a Ranch Wife, Mother of three and a Cancer Mom. ​


If you're a cancer parent reading this blog, I hope you relate to my feelings and thoughts.  I hope you feel seen, heard and validated.  I hope you feel a sense of comfort and "home" whenever you visit here.  If you're not a cancer parent, I hope this blog gives you a different perspective on how you see cancer from the outside looking in.  I hope it gives you insight into the mind of a cancer parent, and provides you with tools on how to comfort another parent in a similar situation, in a way that their soul needs you to.​


This blog is my outlet.  It is my therapy; a way for me to express my every emotion that I have felt, and will continue to feel, where ever this journey takes me.  I will be vulnerable and transparent as I share my every thought from the beginning of our story, to present day, and going forward.  You will read thoughts from my perspective; a mother of a child with cancer, that unless faced with a similar traumatic event, would have never entered your mind otherwise.  Some details will be difficult to read, and my intention is not to scare you.  It is to share with you what comes with the territory of having a sick child, and if, God forbid, anyone reading this should find themselves in a similar situation, my hope is that my words provide stepping stones to help you navigate your journey through those uncharted waters, on "The C".    


​Buckle up...​

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